Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

supper dupper error post

my last post is so so uclear, isn't it?
haha i know..
i don't know why, something bad happen to that post, because everytime i wanna edited that post, it can't and finally, give up!

sorry ya for that mistake, maybe someday i'll repost that :D

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

introducing me :)

My name is Sasadara Pramudita. Was born in Jakarta 15th of December 1994, I’m 16 years old.

I live in Pandeglang, Rangkasbitung and Jakarta. My house is divided in 2 city, Jakarta and Rangkasbitung-Banten, my father live in Jakarta cause he works there and also my brother who school there, my mom in Rangkas , she works there,and I’m in pandeglang to continue my study in here. yes, we’re separated, but our family is still good, nothing’s bad happen to us, every Saturday my father and my brother go to rangkas to meet my mom then they visit me in pandeglang, sometime I feel tired with this condition but my father ever said ‘ the distance who separated us is nothing compare our heart which is always together’ and I smile everytime I remember that. :)

Iam student of senior high school, I’m on the 11th grade right now

SMAN Cahaya Madani banten Boarding school or CMBBS is my school, kinda Islamic boarding school but is NOT ‘PESANTREN’, it’s located in Pandeglang-Banten, Boarding School? yup I’m in boarding school right now and sometimes I wanna change the word ‘boarding’ become ‘borring’, hehe

I don’t hate school I just don’t like the rules, bad classmates, anger teacher, homework and the exam part . I’m not stupid I just little bit lazy :p

poor me I must stay in school for 24 hour cause dorm also still in the school area right?

I swear I really hate boarding school it’s make me feel like a bird in the cage.

I’m a moslem and I love my god so much, even sometimes I disobey him.

I’m wearing veil and I’m interest of fashion, although some people said that those things can’t be mixed together, but that’s big NO for me, veil is my obligation and fashion is my passion, and I can do my obligation and my hobbies together as good as I want, right?

actually in my school we can’t using clothes as free as we want, so many rules for it, like we may not to use denim, yup all of kind of denim, pants, jacket, or skirt and when in here I prefer to use a ‘bergo’ cause more simple, but sometimes I use usual veil also.

I can’t do anything for my clothes in here, I just can expressing my style when holiday in my home.

I love to make something unusual in my style cause I think to be different is cool

I love DURIAN, but I hate FISH ,fish which is having scales is disgusting for me, like a goldfish, I never imagine to eat that, weekkkzz :p .

I don't like specific type of music. As long as it sounds great to me I’ll listen it, but rock is exception I don’t like this genre, really.

I love reading, almost all type of book, my fav writer is fira basuki and raditya dika. I also like to write a story. I can’t play a musical instrument except recorder. I used to learning guitar in my junior high school, but I can't even play it until now.

I don’t like sport except swimming and because of that I’m not tall L I prefer to be supporter than player :p

I love orange. But i have much pink stuff, i don't know why. Do not like to wear a sandals. I love all cute things.

I'm happy to be with my friends. I love my besties , I'm happy to hang out with them, anywhere. I love long walks in the mall. I like to go to cinema. I love ice skating with my brother. But I hate fighting and jostling in the crowded places. Waiting is suck, and I hate it so much

I’m Talkative, but when I feel uncomfortable I’ll silent. Have a shrill voice. I wonder what people think of me. Easy to get bored. Moody and get my mood bad easily. I create my personal motivation easily. But I lost it just for 3 days.

Actually I never really hate people, I just don't like them. HAHA. I hate when there’s a people seeing me with a judging sight . I hate when there’s a people seeing and complain about my clothes cynically, look at me like I’m using bikini in the public place. I hate when people chat me on facebook and ask who am I. I'm addicted to twitter, because it has a lot of gossips in it, haha.